Bored to Death


Sunday nights are usually meant for watching the newest HBO shows. The last season had an extremely uneventful season of “Entourage” and “True Blood” has definitely gotten my blood percolating (vampire pun intended) Anna Paquin playing the damsel in distress is kind of sexy and the storylines are abundant. Jason Schwartzman’s newest endeavor involves a self-loathing novelist living in New York mending a broken heart that decides to moonlight as a dick for hire in search of new material for his writing career. Far fetched, huh? The series began a bit slow, but as of late the supporting cast has picked up tremendously; with the likes of Ted Danson (he’s on two HBO shows) and the bearded jester, Zach Galifianakis. In the last couple of episodes, Ted Danson has decided in order to appeal to a female audience, he must go bi-sexual or just homosexual and the comic book artist ,Zach Galifianakis, has donated sperm to a lesbian couple in hopes of creating an artistic genius. I’m excited to hear that the show has been picked up for a second season. The drawing above is from Zach’s character that Esquire really wants to pick up. (illustration above taken from last Sunday’s show via: Man_Size) “Bored to Death” is on HBO Sundays, and the season is down to two episodes…..

Coconut Records-West Coast [mp3]

Bored To Death: In Brooklyn with Jason Schwartzman & Jonathan Ames (HBO)

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