The Wrestler


The newest movie from genius Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain) is a departure from difficult themes dealing with drugs, terrible jobs, and a life threatening disease. His latest feature has been given the thumbs up from Cannes and every major publication. I had not done a favorite movies of 2008 , partly due to the non viewing on my behalf of this movie. I had a chance to see it this past November at the Denver International Film Festival, but I never got around to the movie. I give credit to Aronofsky for making use of an ill-begotten actor in Mickey Rourke. His acting range never stretches past A to B, but his heart-felt performance is Oscar worthy in a year with not many Oscar worthy performances. The story is deeper than an old washed up wrestler coming to grips with his mortality. He realizes that he has led a destructive life destroying everything else in his life, isolating himself in the process. Marisa Tomei may come away with her second Oscar with her performance of a washed up stripper facing the same harsh realities as her screen counterpart. Evan Rachel Wood (Mrs. Ex-Marylin Manson) portrays Rourke’s daughter that wishes to have nothing to do with her deadbeat dad and does well at grasping an emotional angst ridden basket case. A bit underwhelmed , I was happy to see that the Boss’s song nominated for an Oscar is very Oscar worthy and Aronofky’s use of 80’s rock (no the synth kind, but the frayed denim and big hair kind) is extraordinary in a way that portrays Rourke’s character as being stuck in the past and facing his inner demons. Spoiler alert: Marisa Tomei is topless 90% of the movie.

Ratt-Round and Round [mp3]
Bruce Springsteen-The Wrestler [mp3]

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